Performance Award
The International Society designed the Chapter Performance Award to provide incentives and acknowledge accomplishments based on the mission and vision of the organization. The Performance Award has been updated and streamlined for your chapter's benefit. As always, the Society encourages your chapter to meet as many goals as possible!
Required Tasks
Complete all 15 (some repeat) to earn $150.
- Hold an educational event (x3)
- Complete the Form 990 - U.S. Chapters only
- Announce the slate of officers in an appropriate timeframe before the annual meeting.
- Send board minutes to the ISCEBS for archival.
- Complete the biennial audit and send results to the ISCEBS.
- File pertinent forms with state/provincial offices for annual reporting.
- Ensure all CEBS graduate officers an board members are ISCEBS Gold members.
- Reach out to new CEBS graduates. (x4)
- Governing Council Liaison interaction (x2)
Bonus Opportunities
After completing the required tasks, complete up to four bonus opportunities to earn an additional $25 per task.
- Hold a training meeting for incoming board members.
- Ensure all officers complete e-learning training by the end of Q1.
- Send at least one chapter leader to the Chapter Volunteer Forum in Brookfield, WI
- Identify at least one leader to send to the Symposium—Attendance may be chapter- or employer-funded.
- Post a chapter-related question to the Chapter Leader ISCEBSLink.
- Coordinate a benefits presentation at a local college or university.
- Identify at least one volunteer to nominate for a national ISCEBS Committee. (Chapter Webcast Committee does not qualify in this instance.)
Recognition Award
The Society will pay all recognition once per calendar year. The deadline to complete tasks is December 15th. In a calendar year, chapters are eligible to earn up to $250.